
This is where I’m supposed to tell you about me. I’m human. I walk through the world like a kaleidoscope, constantly changing. I believe that to be true for us all.

I always do my best, somedays my best is better than other days. I’m okay with that. I have discovered something magical about myself, I am lovable.

My biggest achievement in life is turning that little voice in my head from foe to friend. That changed everything. I went from living in my van and borrowing money from my kids, to owning a multimillion dollar property on the Hawaiian Islands in less than two years.

Yes I learned something very valuable. Priceless in fact.

Most importantly I am so very happy. I’d love to teach you how I did it. This website was created as a platform for that very purpose! I want to share with you the simple steps I discovered through years of trial and error in my own life. I’m not kidding when I tell you its possible to transform your inner critic into your most powerful partner! Imagine replacing that nagging little voice you have with an inner cheerleader instead?

I know this process works. I have taught the simple steps to people from all walks of life.  In every case they were able to transform their inner critic into a powerful partner. Some of them took the fast track and just got the bam, bam, bam of how to do it. Others walked hand in hand with me all down the path for their best results. I was asked again and again for a book that they could use for reference. I finally did it.

The shutdown from the pandemic gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. My own transformation is, like everyones, an ongoing event. I find myself joyously seeing only opportunities for us all to reinvent ourselves and our future! I was able to write this book and create the course. I am so excited to share it with the world! 



Kelly Rene