Are You an ‘Imperfectionist’?

“You just cannot look at things that are wrong in the world, putting them in piles, labeling them, and then joining together in groups to push against them, without depriving yourself of the point of attraction that you must accomplish in order to let in all that you consider to be good.” AH

Thats what we do isn’t it? We are taught to look for what is wrong to ‘fix’ it. 

It took me a minute to understand that I was attracting all the problems in my life because of this!

This is perhaps our biggest obstacle. Changing this way of thinking is imperative to finding solutions. That point of attraction that holds the solution is out of reach as long as our attention is on whats wrong.

People say they are perfectionists, thats not accurate. You are an imperfectionist and are attracting more and more imperfection by your attention to that which you do not want…

I realized this years ago when I discovered how much I like to solve problems. Its empowering and makes me really utilize my creative juices. I love to build puzzles, solve mysteries and break codes. It took me a minute to understand that I was attracting all the problems in my life because of this! Sure I could solve them and man I solved some doozies. Its like leveling up on a game, it just keeps getting harder the more skilled you get. 

…you see only the opportunities…

When it struck me that I could enjoy problem solving in a positive way instead of by solving ‘my problems’ my life changed. I started looking for ‘positive problems’ I started inventing things and eventually taught myself to code and built dynamic solution based apps. 

Once my attention was focused on these kinds of problems the personal problems just stopped coming up. Now, thats not to say there was never anything I had to deal with. The difference is the idea of making a mountain out of a molehill.

Once you have your attention focused on something to solve for the good of your own aspirations the other issues, the drama that you were immersed in, loses its strength and sort of fizzles out.

Step one is the law of attention.

Eventually you get to a place where there really aren’t any problems, rather you see only the opportunities they present. Talk about a change in your reality! It isn’t magic its attention.

Abraham Hicks coined the phrase Law of Attraction and that is accurate. I believe it speaks to the step three position though and starting out we are all on step one.

Step one is the law of attention. Its the foundation for everything else. If you want to live the life of your dreams start paying attention to that idea instead and watch it all fall into place like magic!

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