Are You Full of Empty Space?

white-space : Sets how the browser should render whitespace (extra character spaces and carriage returns) that is part of the element’s source code.

Under normal circumstances, HTML ignores extra whitespace and thus collapses the rendered content around such space.

The above copy is from the Dreamweaver application on my macbookPro. I was searching for something I had previously written about playing the silence, or the value of white space. This really inspired me though so I thought I’d share. Why on earth would this inspire me?

It acts as a powerful metaphor in my mind of how it is the unseen, the empty space, the silence or the white space that determines EVERYTHING. In fact, empty space is what MATTERS. Use matters as a verb here to get the full impact of this message. The actual matter inside an atom is the result and creation of the empty space.

We are like the atoms. The physical reality we experience is merely just empty space ‘ mattering’. Like the HTML definition when the white space is ignored it collapses around the content.

I really have a deep sense of ‘getting’ that in a way I never did before. It’s the answer to everything you don’t like about your life. Instead of playing the silence we are all ignoring it and the content of our lives keeps collapsing around us.

If it is really the empty space that matters, what are you doing with yours?

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