Category Archives: Secrets of She

Rather Read it?

Here is the pdf of the Secrets of She Chapter One. I love to read and often read a transcript instead of listening to a podcast or watching a video. Am I the only one that does this? I doubt it. So here you go, read it if you like, instead of listening. It is

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Secrets of She 4

This is the final episode of the audio for the first chapter of Secrets of She. I hope at the very least this information gave you pause. Maybe it made you rethink some of your beliefs. Looking inward is always the right answer, no matter what the question.

What is Secrets of She?

I wrote a book in 2012 about the divine feminine. I presented it from a ‘stage’ a few different times. It was very well received, even called revolutionary. So why isn’t it on your bookshelf? I dropped the external hard drive that held the book. I was devastated about that for many years. Now I

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