Did the Wizard of Oz Leak the Secret to Life?

So how do you click your heels?

Its the negative thought one wallows in for the whole day that destroys you.  Let it go. Move on. The controlling of your thoughts is the trick. Its much harder than one would imagine. In fact I would say its ‘impossible’ without changing the way you approach the problem. I believe Einstein said you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. So the new paradigm of thought becomes all about the relationship with yourself. The final frontier is the inner world. Now we know it is what happens inside of us that creates our experiences. If we wan our experiences to be different we need to change the thinking. Our thoughts just come at us out of nowhere though right? WRONG and thats the secret I want to share. Our inner thoughts are given to us from our subconscious mind. You know the 93-97% of everything we are? The deliberate thinking accounts for whats left over. A pretty small figure either way. 
So how do we harness the subconscious? You don’t. It would be akin to holding back the tide. For anyone that has ever had a chance to swim in the ocean and survive you learn pretty fast to go with the waves. If you attempt to stand fast and brace full of resistance you’re going to get a beating. Isn’t that exactly what happens in life? Its the resistance that gets us. So here we are trying to ‘force’ our thoughts right? How is that working for you? I have spent a lifetime trying to exert my willpower over my mind and ultimately I lose. Then I feel bad and worthless because I just can’t seem to stop doing what I know isn’t good for me. That might be food, a relationship, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes it doesn’t matter what it is, I mean currently for me its Hallmark movies lol. The point is you ( conscious mind)  are like a pedal tricycle trying to pull YOU (4×4 articulating tractor ) in some direction. NOT. 
The only way to change this dynamic and have control over your thoughts is to become the operator of that tractor. I have spent 30+ years trying other methods to no avail. In my experience, once you tap into the YOU and create a relationship with the inner dialogue you will see almost if not instant results. That was my experience at least.
I have taught this to many people since I learned the secrets to a different life. Its all about your inner world. This finally after studying under the top names in the self help wealth industry and not really ever getting the results as promised. I have spent thousands of dollars trying to sort this out. I have followed all the templates and how to lists and might have made a little progress but then bam back to the bottom. Over and Over. I finally figured out why. Its the war with myself. Its trying to Make myself do something my heart isn’t in. Its like standing in the ocean and telling it what to do. 
I have been there. It didn’t work for me and I’m going to bet it didn’t work for you yet either. Let me tell you the biggest secret, it isn’t ever going to work. Not like they teach it. In fact, I was recently enrolled in the ultimate change your life money accumulation program I have ever seen. Its world renowned for the life altering courses you have access too. I wanted these in the worst way, so I finally got there. I bought in. I studied I showed up for the classes and things got worse for me. This is after I had learned what I want to teach you actually. It got worse because I put aside what I had learned and my ideas to be taught by a multimillionaire the right way. Wow was that ever a mistake! I sure did learn a lot though. I cancelled my enrollment after exploring my notes and seeing the pattern emerge. This wasn’t ever going to get me to where I wanted to be. It might have made me wealthier, but I wanted to ALSO be happy. It wasn’t long after that this guru came out with a ‘confession’ and a new course lol. He admitted with all his wealth he just wasn’t happy. I could’ve told him that lol. 

Uh Oh, what if I’m not happy?

The flaw in his approach was always about the warrior. The battle the resistance, the overcome overpower, do it anyway no matter how you feel approach.  I was so turned off by this method that I set out to find an alternative word. I mean I just couldn’t wrap myself around warrior pertaining to war with myself. I mean no one ever wins a war anyway but if you are both sides of the conflict its even worse! In effect you are practicing beating yourself up! No thanks! I’ve had enough of that already. I explored a different way. Pertaining to love, amorrior. Thats my approach. Is it effective? Well it has exponentially accelerated my life into peace joy and abundance. If whats inside us dictates what we experience it stands to reason that getting the inside of us feeling good would be the most direct path to a life we love right? And so it is. 
I’m glad this guru finally came to see the truth of his life and started to look for happy. I started on the path to finding happy when my three kids were still young. It occurred to me that as a parent the only thing I wanted for my kids was for them to be happy. Easy answer. Then I realized my kids NEVER seem to do what I say, they do what I do. Uh Oh, what if I’m not happy? Then I am teaching my kids to not be happy instead. How do I fix that? I have to get happy! 
That was the motivator for me many many years ago. I have tried every method I could find. In the end the cliches are true, happiness is an inside job. Armed with that knowledge it should be easy right? Yeah, that took a minute to solve. Once again the answer isn’t found outside of you. Its inside and always has been. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, you’ve always had the power my dear. So how do you click your heels? Let me tell you what worked for me…

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