Holding On for Dear Life

perfect storm

My last few weeks have clearly shown me my resistance. Like becoming sensitive to the lightest touch or the first nuance of emotion, a sensitivity to resistance is something to cultivate.

I was raised to believe feeling anything was a sign of weakness, except anger? This created an internal environment that was a seething cauldron of pain, insecurity and fear. My exterior became calloused, so much so that I was literally numb to the world around me. This state allowed me to walk through my life like a zombie. I wasn’t really living, I was merely surviving. I just didn’t know any different.

Fast forward to today where I have developed the ability to tune into my emotions and recognize the slightest disturbance in my frequency. Seemingly a good thing, and it is really, it left me feeling things without understanding the origin of the emotion. 

Its really challenging because I feel like I should be past all of this already right? 

This leaves one with a sense of foreboding and places me at the nucleus of the perfect storm. An eye of the hurricane if you will. Attention to that foreboding begins to attract all manner of unwanted experiences. The storm grows reaching out to other areas of your life you thought you had handled. The worse it gets the worse it gets. The outer ring of the hurricane just holding on for dear life. This is where I have been lately. Its really challenging because I feel like I should be past all of this already right? 

The truth is I am now aware of this ‘resistance’ storm BECAUSE I have come so far. Its really a gift to feel this way because it illuminates the path of least resistance wonderfully. In my experience, even a few months ago, I wouldn’t have had the sensitivity to hone in on the source of this storm so quickly. Oh, I’d get there eventually because I’m just stubborn like that. To be where I am now though, taking the time to feel my way through it and acknowledge the gift this storm really is, takes things to a whole new level. 

The breakthrough has occurred and I am left with a deeper awareness of the whole process. My emotions have shifted and I have released a whole lot of heretofore unknown resistance. 

I’ll share more and break it down for you step by step. Stay tuned!

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