What Are the Sources of Our Conditioning?

I believe it is our subconscious that gets programed from conception until our first ‘memory’. When we try to change our lives by changing our physical world it is like trying to correct a typo on the page you just printed. Without addressing the document source on the computer the typo prints every time creating our ‘patterns’ of behavior. This is what I believe it means when teachers talk about getting your mind right. Its worth the most of your time IMO

Imagine your subconscious as a four wheel drive articulating tractor (image) and your conscious mind a pedal tricycle. Now you get the picture. No wonder your will power (conscious mind) fails!

It has taken me decades to sort this out. I found a system that puts me in the tractor as the operator. Thats a big distinction. You can ride something, drive something, or operate something. If you don’t know the difference thats the first hurdle.

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